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For fast and efficient diagnostics

Automatic non-invasive express screening analyzer ANESA determines 136 health parameters, that allows estimating the state of organs and the body systems, identifying the signs of pathologies and health threats. All within 6-12 minutes.

Artificial Neural Network
For Whom
For Whom
A resource for efficient decision-making

ANESA allows medical professionals to easily monitor the health parameters of their patients on a regular basis. The device runs on deep learning algorithms, which allows identifying the signs of pathologies and health threats. Combination of user-friendly interface and convenient size of ANSEA adds value to the daily routine work of a medical professional, as it makes possible to carry out multifunctional screening of patients rather quickly. Perfect for health institutions, hospitals and clinics, sport/fitness and wellness centres, private practice of physicians.

Real-time testing
Real-time testing
Check-up of the functional state of a body at a given time.
A total of 136 hemodynamic, biochemical and immunological parameters
Analysis in dynamics
Analysis in dynamics
Ability to analyze and evaluate changes in health indicators over time.
Нealth status
Нealth status
Includes physical and emotional health of a patient
Deep learning algorithms identify risks and signs of pathologies of the cardiovascular system, GIT, urogenital system, etc.
Personal records in DB and detailed reporting available for every patient
Data storage
Data storage
Secure data storage and simple exporting process
How it Works

The analyzer technology is based on the study of the human body ability to change the activity of the autonomic nervous system ergotropic function, depending on the frequency and strength of the action of various factors of the external and internal environment, followed by substances synthesis and disassimilation.

Before starting the diagnostic process, a physician creates a new patient’s card in the database software USPIH, where indicates gender, age, weight, as well as the measured heart and respiratory rates.

Microprocessors are placed on the patient’s body, and an examination interval is set. The device is now ready to start measuring

Finally, the results are ready to be saved, exported and analyzed. The entire process of non-invasive measurement takes 6 – 12 minutes.

ANESA calculates hemodynamic, biochemical and other health parameters based on the data obtained from 5 microprocessors during measurement. Information about the state of the body is analyzed by the neural network. Artificial Intelligence Learning Algorithm is software USPIH.

User Manual 10.5
User Manual 10.6
Catalogue Analyser
User Manual 10.5

The “User’s Manual” contains information about the intended use, principle of operation, capabilities of the analyzer and software USPIH. Technical and operational characteristics, product life-time and warranties are indicated. Maintenance, transportation, storage and disposal requirements for the analyzer are included in the UM, too. The process of measurement is described, namely: preparing the analyzer for work, setting up software USPIH and working with it.

User Manual 10.6

The “User’s Manual” contains information about the intended use, principle of operation, capabilities of the analyzer and software USPIH. Technical and operational characteristics, product life-time and warranties are indicated. Maintenance, transportation, storage and disposal requirements for the analyzer are included in the UM, too. The process of measurement is described, namely: preparing the analyzer for work, setting up software USPIH and working with it.

Catalogue Analyser

The catalogue contains marketing related information. Key advantages of the device, segments and applications, uniqueness, user feedback. QR codes found within the catalogue will provide additional information.

General indicators
Erythrocytes RBC. x10¹²/l, Hemoglobin HGB. g/l, Hematocrit.HCT %, Thrombocytes. x10⁹/l, Leukocytes WBC. x10⁹/l, Lymphocytes.LYMPH %, Monocytes.MONO %, Glucose. mmol/l, Cholesterol total. mmol/l, Low-density lipoproteins (LDL). mmol/l, High-density lipoproteins (HDL). mmol/l, Triglycerides (TG). mmol/l, ALT. U/l, AST. U/l, Bilirubin, Total. μmol/l, Creatinine. μmol/l, Urea. mmol/l
Hemoglobin HGB. g/l, Erythrocytes RBC. x10¹²/l, Leukocytes WBC. x10⁹/l, Mean cell haemoglobin (MCH). Pg, Mean cell volume (MCV). Fl, Mean cell haemoglobin concentration (MCHC). g/l, CPB (Color index of blood), Lymphocytes.LYMPH %, Segmented neutrofiles.NEUT %, Eosinophils. %, Monocytes.MONO %, Stab neutrofiles.NEUT %, Erythrocyte sedimentation rate ESR. mm/h
Blood coagulation
Beginning of clotting (method of Lee-White). min, End of clotting (method of Lee-White). min, Thrombocytes. x10⁹/l, Fibrinogen. g/l, Prothrombin index (PI). %, Hematocrit.HCT %
Electrolyte metabolism
Calcium (Ca). mmol/l, Magnesium (Mg). mmol/l, Potassium (K). mmol/l, Sodium (Na). mmol/l
Functional parameters of stomach
pH of gastric juice, SH, Basal pressure of Oddi’s sphincter mm Hg
Carbohydrate metabolism
Lactic acid. mmol/l, Glucose. mmol/l, Glycogen. mg%
Hepatic panel
Aspartate transaminase (AST). mmol/l, Alanine transaminase (ALT). mmol/l, AST. U/l, ALT. U/l, De Ritis coefficient (AST/ALT), Bilirubin, Total. μmol/l, Bilirubin, Direct. μmol/l, Bilirubin, Indirect. μmol/l
Protein metabolism
Protein, Total. g/l, Creatinine. μmol/l, Dopamine β-hydroxylase (DBH). nm/ml/min, Urea. mmol/l
Lipid metabolism
Triglycerides (TG). mmol/l, Low-density lipoproteins (LDL). mmol/l, Very low-density lipoproteins (VLDL). mmol/l, High-density lipoproteins (HDL). mmol/l, Cholesterol total. mmol/l, β- lipoprotein. mmol/l, β- lipoprotein. g/l
Water metabolism
Cellular water. %, Total water. %, Extracellular water. %
Testosterone. μmol/24hours, Estrogen, Total . nmol/24hours, Thyroxine (T4),Total. nmol/l
Amylase (W.Т.Caraway). g/l*h, Acetylcholine. μg/ml, Acetylcholinesterase of erythrocytes. μmol/l, Tyrosine. mg*%, Creatine kinase MM (CK-MM). μmol/min/kg, Creatine kinase MB (CK-MB). μmol/min/kg
Cell mitosis regulation
Comprehensive cell mitosis regulation factor
Internal blood flow, in % to total blood flow
Myocardial blood flow. %, Muscular blood flow. %, Cerebral blood flow. %, Vena porte blood flow. %, Nephritic blood flow. %, Skin blood flow. %, Blood flow of other organs. %
Cerebral hemodynamics
Cerebral blood flow on 100g of tissue. ml/100g, Blood flow per 1gr of thyroid gland. ml/g, Blood flow per 1gr of cerebral tissue. ml/g, Cerebral spinal fluid pressure (CSF). mm H₂O, Width of the third ventricle of cerebrum. mm Intracranial pressure (Test)(ICP), mmHg
Functional parameters of cardio-respiratory system
Pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR). dyn/cm5*sec, Central venous pressure. mm H₂O, Time of pulmonary circulation. S, Time of systemic circulation. s, Energy Expenditure. kkal/kg/min, Oxygenation velocity of RBC. ml/min, Surface of gaseous exchange of RBC. m², Deficit of circulatory blood. ml/kg, Vital capacity of lungs (VC). cm³, Minute ventilation (VE) l/min, Functional residual capacity (FRC) cm³, Peak expiratory flow (PEF). l/min, Test Tiffeneau. %, Working rate of oxygen consumption. %, Time of single load. min, Respiratory exchange ratio (RER).
Oxygen transport and consumption
pH of blood., Volume of circulatory blood. ml/kg, Cardiac output (CO). l/min, Transportation of oxygen(O₂). ml/min, Quantity of assimilated oxygen on 100 gr. of cerebral tissue. Ml, Oxygen saturation in arterial blood (SaO₂). %, Oxygen consumption per kg of body weight. ml/min/kg, O₂ consumption.(VO₂) ml/min, Myocardial oxygen consumption. ml/min Oxygen extraction index.
Transport and elimination of CO₂
CO₂ elimination. ml/min, (CO₂) in arterial blood. %, (CO₂) venous blood. %, Rate of CO₂ production. ml/min
Functional parameters of cardio-vascular system
Vascular Permeability Index., Stroke volume (SV). ml, Interval PQ. sec, Interval QT. sec, Interval QRS. sec, Left ventricular Stroke Work Index. %, Systolic arterial pressure. mm Hg, Diastolic arterial pressure. mm Hg, Plasma density. g/l, Cardiac work. Joule
Renal Panel
eGFR [MDRD]. ml/min/1.73m², Estimated creatinine clearance, rate(eCCr)[Cockroft and Gault]. ml/min, Cystatin C (CysC). mg/l, BUN. mg/dl, Transferrin. mg/dl, Urine specific gravity. g/cm³, Chloride. mmol/l, Ceruloplasmin (CP). g/l, Alkaline phosphatase (ALP). μkat/L
Non-invasive experience

Innovative and painless diagnostic procedure without any risks of infection, irritation or irradiation. Safe for both, the patient and the doctor. Excludes risk of infections like hepatitis C, HIV, etc.

In-depth analysis and reliability of measurements

AI and deep learning algorithms evaluate external and internal factors, remove human error and calibrate results for each individual. Multiple clinical test and external evaluations demonstrate a high level of method reliability.

Сost savings and Environmental Protection

Non-invasive technologies are considered eco-friendly, as no plastic containers or bags are needed for data collection. From a cost perspective, ANESA does not require any additional chemical reagents, special substances or consumables. Hospitals, clinics, mobile health care units, family doctors, rehabilitation and wellness centers can optimize the budgets for the primary health care and diagnosing.

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Barcelona, Spain
Dr. Antoni Sicras-Mainar

The mechanisms of thermoregulation of the body, allow the mathematical algorithm ANESA to calculate a large number of indicators of human vital activity. With the help of mathematical algorithms we can check the hemodynamic, biochemical and immunological parameters of the organism. We are pleasantly surprised by the experience of using ANESA medical device. Applications of the device are effective in medical practice. The device allows you to get results in just six minutes.

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Early diagnostics of diseases and monitoring of treatment process. Analyzer helps to minimize the costs of treatment for medical centres, care and maintenance of patients until they are fully recovered.

High mobility. Hospitals with a deficit in diagnostics equipment and mobile hospitals can, with the help of ANESA, provide their patients with access to high-quality medical services.

Simple screening of large patient groups (employees, passengers, pilgrims). ANESA provides a large amount of information about the state of health of a patient (more than 136 parameters) in a very short time period (6-12 minutes). Diagnostic results are known on the day of the consultation and are available to Doctor immediately after testing.

All attention to the patient. ANESA stores patient data in digital form, so it significantly reduces Doctor’s time spent on recording patient data and maintaining a medical history, monitoring the health status from the last visit and / or the treatment process. Analyzer database allows a doctor to quickly and easily monitor patient data in dynamic.

The Company Biopromin Ltd. pays special attention to certification and confirmation of compliance of our products with the established requirements for medical equipment. We also take a responsible attitude towards the choice of medical services providers. In the Company, since January 02, 2018, the quality management system EN ISO 13485:2016 has been introduced. You can check the availability of the certificate through the feedback form. You can obtain a certificate confirming the competence of Doctor to work with the Company's products, after the training.
L/2007, ANESA-L/2007
L/2007, ANESA-L/2007
Software and number of available indicants
USPIH - 9,10.5
Compatible with USPIH PC Operating systems
Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Windows 7 or higher
Compatible with USPIH PC Operating systems

Models L/2007 and L/2007w is performed in a rigid plastic case. It works together with specially designed
software USPIH.

Dimensions: 160х100х45 mm Weight: 0,5 kg (including cables)

ANESA-L/2007 works with the software USPIH, version 10.5
ANESA-L/2007w works with the software USPIH, version 9

Medical equipment batching
Models ANESA-L/2012 and ANESA-L/2012w
Models ANESA-L/2012 and ANESA-L/2012w
Software and number of available indicants
USPIH - 9,10.5
Compatible with USPIH PC Operating systems
Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Windows 7 or higher
Compatible with USPIH PC Operating systems

Models ANESA-L/2012 and ANESA-L/2012w are performed in white glossy metal-plastic case.

Dimensions: 200x116x47 mm Weight: 1.0 kg (including cables)

ANESA-L/2012 – requires software USPIH version 10.5
ANESA-L/2012w – requires software USPIH, version 9

Medical equipment batching
Model T/2011 or AMP-PC
Model T/2011 or AMP-PC
Software and number of available indicants
USPIH - 10.5
Compatible with USPIH PC Operating systems
Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Windows 7 or higher
Compatible with USPIH PC Operating systems

Weight: 2.3 kg (including cables and batteries)
Model ANESA-T/2011 is available with software USPIH version 10.5 only.

Medical equipment batching
Model L/2019, Model-L2019B
Model L/2019, Model-L2019B
Software and number of available indicants
USPIH - 10.5
Compatible with USPIH PC Operating systems
Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Windows 7 or higher
Compatible with USPIH PC Operating systems

Model L/2019 – USB version
Model L/2019B- Bluetooth version

Medical equipment batching
Software and number of available indicants
USPIH -M19 - 10.6
Compatible with USPIH PC Operating systems
Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Windows 7 or higher
Compatible with USPIH PC Operating systems
Medical equipment batching
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